I Literally Can't Get In An Elevator


New member
I'm reaching out because I'm at my wit's end. My fear of elevators is seriously hindering my ability to travel. I love to explore new places, but the thought of having to take an elevator to get to my hotel room or a tourist attraction fills me with dread. I've tried to rationalize it, telling myself that elevators are perfectly safe, but the fear is just too strong. It's like my mind is playing tricks on me. I feel like I'm missing out on so many amazing experiences because of this phobia. Has anyone else dealt with something similar? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated...
I'm reaching out because I'm at my wit's end. My fear of elevators is seriously hindering my ability to travel. I love to explore new places, but the thought of having to take an elevator to get to my hotel room or a tourist attraction fills me with dread. I've tried to rationalize it, telling myself that elevators are perfectly safe, but the fear is just too strong. It's like my mind is playing tricks on me. I feel like I'm missing out on so many amazing experiences because of this phobia. Has anyone else dealt with something similar? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated...
I totally get how you’re feeling. I have a pretty bad fear of elevators too. It’s a real drag when it starts to interfere with your travel plans. I know it’s hard, but try to remember that you’re not alone. A lot of people deal with this. It’s a pain in the neck, I know, but we’ll you got this! I try and count while I'm on an elevator but im literally in panic and usually take the stairs whenever I can.