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Overcoming Travel Anxiety: Practical Tips and Personal Stories

Fear Not, Explorer!

We’ve all felt that pit in our stomachs before a big trip. Whether it’s the fear of the unknown, the anxiety of flying, or the worry about losing luggage, these travel jitters can sometimes hold us back from experiencing the world. But don’t let fear dictate your adventures! Ok, I admit it, my anxiety is off the charts but after 20 years of traveling, I have a few tricks up my sleeve that will help you! Let’s dive into some common travel fears and discover some truly useful tips to overcome them.

1. Fear of the Unknown: The Great Adventure

Travelers dining in an unknown city for the first time

That feeling of stepping into the unknown can be both exhilarating and terrifying. It’s like jumping into a cold pool on a hot day—you know it’s refreshing, but that initial plunge can be a bit daunting.

  • Research is Your Best Friend: Dive deep into your destination. Learn about local customs, language, potential challenges, and even the best places to eat and explore.
  • Join a Group Tour: If you’re nervous about going solo, a group tour can provide a sense of community and support.
  • Embrace the Unexpected: Remember, the unexpected can often lead to the most memorable experiences. Keep an open mind and embrace the adventure.

2. Fear of Elevators: The Vertical Vertigo

Man Taking Elevator with luggage

That sinking feeling as the elevator doors close, leaving you trapped in a small, enclosed space. It’s a fear that many people can relate to. I have travelled for over 20 years with a fear of elevators and was able to have countless anxiety-free trips using the tips below. If you truly don’t like elevators at all use my secret tip below!

  • Start Small Before Your Trip: If you are going to have no choice and have to take elevators, practice a little exposure before the trip! Begin with shorter elevator rides and gradually increase the height.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing and visualization can help manage anxiety. Distractions are an awesome tool once you step onto the elevator including your cell phone, books or even counting to 100.
  • Seek Professional Help: If your fear is significantly impacting your life, consider therapy.
  • SECRET TIP: Contact hotels before your trip to ensure they have stair access to rooms and inquire about how many floors there are! I book a room on a low floor and ensure I can take the stairs. Facing my fear on vacation is not my idea of a good time.

3. Fear of Heights: The Edge of the World

Woman standing near a cliff looking at the bay proudly

Standing at the edge of a cliff or skyscraper can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be terrifying. That feeling of being suspended in mid-air can be overwhelming.

  • If you are not comfortable with heights, share your fear with your fellow travelers so they can avoid activities that might trigger you
  • Book hotels that are low rise with 2 or 3 floors maximum. Contact the hotel directly to ensure you are on the ground floor if possible.
  • Challenge yourself if you want: Begin with lower heights and gradually increase exposure.

4. Fear of Germs and Getting Sick: The Health Anxiety

Travel Medication Kit in backpack

The thought of getting sick while traveling can be a major worry. It’s like being on a roller coaster ride, but instead of the thrill, it’s a constant feeling of dread. I have suffered from health anxiety my entire life and understanding the destination has been key for me. While of course there are the general tips, I have a few secret weapons up my sleeve listed as well!

  • Research Local Health Conditions: Understand the health risks in your destination and take necessary precautions.
  • Practice Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and stay hydrated.
  • Vaccinations: Consult with your doctor to ensure you have the necessary vaccinations.
  • Travel Insurance: Consider travel insurance with medical coverage to protect yourself in case of illness or injury.
  • Secret Weapon: Ensure you get some medications BEFORE your trip including antibiotics, steroid creams, flu medications and create a first-aid kit! Finding these items in an emergency can be a nightmare in a foreign country when you are feeling sick.

5. Fear of Danger: The Unknown Threat

Couple Planning Trip on google street view from car

The world can be a scary place, and traveling can make us feel even more vulnerable. It’s like walking through a dark forest, always on the lookout for potential dangers.

  • Research Safe Destinations: Choose destinations with a reputation for safety and stability.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid isolated areas at night.
  • Follow Local Customs: Respect local laws and customs to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Understand Local Safety Protocols: Learn about local emergency numbers and safety procedures.
  • Read Personal Travel Blogs! They will give on the ground experiences of actual travelers rather than just country wide overviews.
  • Use Google Street View to see the surroundings around your accommodation. You can actually see what the area looks like and potentially switch to a different hotel if the street looks sketchy.

6. Fear of Losing Your Passport: The Identity Crisis

Female packing bags and organizing passport

Losing your passport can feel like losing a piece of yourself. It’s like being stranded in a foreign land without any identification. My favorite tip is listed below 🙂

  • Keep Your Passport Secure: Carry your passport in a secure, waterproof bag or wallet.
  • Make Copies: Make copies of your passport’s identification page and keep them in a separate location.
  • Know the Procedures: Understand the process for obtaining a replacement passport.
  • FAVORITE TIP: Purchase a bag that has a dedicated passport pocket. It does not leave this pocket unless you need to present it. Knowing where my passport is at all times has made a huge difference on my travels over the past couple decades.

7. Fear of Flying: The Sky’s the Limit

Woman on plane thinking about trip

The idea of being thousands of feet in the air, confined to a small space, can be terrifying for many but there are ways to overcome this fear! Check out my secret tip at the bottom.

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the safety features of airplanes. Understanding the science behind flight can help ease your mind.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music can help manage anxiety during the flight.
  • Consider a Flight Simulator: If your fear is particularly intense, a flight simulator can provide a controlled environment to practice coping mechanisms.
  • Plan Your Flight: Choose a flight time that suits your comfort level, such as daytime flights or shorter routes.
  • Avoid them all together! There are many alternative transportation methods including road trips, trains and ferries!
  • SECRET TIP: Don’t be embarrassed about your fear and share it with the flight attendant. Did you know they are trained to help you feel more comfortable and calm? While you may not get an upgrade to business class, the extra support will help you feel more comfortable.

8. Fear of Missing Your Flight: The Ticking Clock

Couple setting alarms for morning flight

The constant worry of missing your flight can be a major source of stress. It’s like being in a race against time, always one step behind. I actually think I check my alarm over 100 times before I go to sleep. Its a bit of overkill but I do have a secret weapon up my sleeve to calm my nerves.

  • Arrive Early: Give yourself plenty of time to get to the airport and check in.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your travel documents easily accessible.
  • Plan for Delays: Have a backup plan in case of flight delays or cancellations.
  • SECRET WEAPON: Never just set one alarm. You could use two phones, an alarm clock and if you are flying with your spouse, your BOTH set your alarm. This greatly reduces the chances that you miss your flight.

9. Fear of Luggage Getting Lost: The Baggage Blues

People waiting for luggage hoping their bags aren't lost

Losing your luggage can be a major inconvenience. It’s like losing a piece of yourself, along with all your belongings. Look below to ensure 100%, your luggage won’t be lost!

  • Label Clearly: Ensure your luggage is clearly labeled with your name, contact information, and destination.
  • If you must check a bad ensure to pack essentials in your carry-on: Carry important items like medications, toiletries, and a change of clothes in your carry-on.
  • Travel Insurance: Consider travel insurance to protect yourself against lost or damaged luggage.
  • Track Your Luggage: Use tracking services or apps to monitor your luggage’s location. Air tags are a great affordable tool to see where your luggage is at all times.
  • THE 100% Safe Luggage: Pack small and go carry-on only. Not only does it simplify packing, but your chances of the airline losing your luggage is zero as it wont leave your side.

10. Fear of Different Languages: The Babel Tower

Couple getting help from locals using google translate

The thought of communicating in a foreign language can be daunting. Often we feel embarrassed to even try it but being prepared before your trip will save you a world of pain.

  • Learn Basic Phrases: A few key phrases in the local language can go a long way in making connections. My favorite app is Speakly as it jumps right into to phrases you will actually use such as “How do I find city center?” instead of “My cat drinks milk”
  • Use Translation Apps: Technology can be a lifesaver. Download Google translate on Apple or Android for when you just can’t understand or get your point across.
  • Be Patient and Open-Minded: People from all cultures appreciate kindness and understanding.
  • Research Local Communication Styles: Understand how people communicate in the local culture to avoid misunderstandings.
Woman traveling happier and exploring Thailand

Extra Goodies To Help You Prepare For Your Trip

  • Talk to a Therapist: If your travel fears are significantly impacting your life, consider talking to a therapist. They can provide you with tools and strategies to overcome your anxiety.
  • Join out Fear Free Trip Support Group: Connecting with others who share your fears can be helpful. There are many online and in-person support groups for people with travel anxiety.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help you manage your anxiety and stay present in the moment.
  • Challenge Your Fears: Gradually expose yourself to the things that scare you before your trip! This can help you overcome your fears and build your confidence.
  • Seek Professional Help: If your fears are interfering with your daily life, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a mental health professional.

Need help planning a phobia-free trip? Our anxiety-free escapes are tailored to your phobia to make sure you can relax, travel and enjoy. Get a quote today.

Remember, fear is a natural human emotion. By understanding and addressing these common travel anxieties, you can embark on your adventures with confidence and excitement. So, pack your bags, step outside your comfort zone, and let the world inspire you!

Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing significant mental health issues or have specific concerns about your health, please seek help from a qualified professional. The advice provided here is general in nature and may not be suitable for everyone.

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