My Fear of Getting Sick has Ruined Everything


New member
I'm reaching out because I'm at my wit's end. My fear of getting sick while traveling has become so debilitating that it's ruining my life. I've been avoiding travel for years, and it's starting to take a toll on my mental health.

Before I book a hotel, I spend hours researching the cleanliness ratings and even looking up the local health statistics. Once I finally arrive at the hotel, I spend an inordinate amount of time inspecting the room. I sanitize everything, from the bed linens to the remote control, and it usually takes me over an hour to feel somewhat comfortable.

The stress of all this is starting to take a toll on my relationships and my career. I feel like I'm missing out on so much, but I can't seem to overcome my fear. Has anyone else dealt with something similar? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.